Friday, January 1, 2010

garlic and olive oil for all

I made this New Year's card yesterday for Jessie Foyle, aka Mrs. October, who will soon be 95. This morning The Morning Call had a short piece on Joe Paterno, 83, who has been the head football coach at Penn State since 1966. I don't follow college football but the headline on the story intrigued: Paterno's secret: 'A lot of garlic, a lot of olive oil'. In the piece, Paterno credits his coaching longevity to garlic and olive oil. It started, he said, when he was a boy. Whenever he felt listless, his mother would put him in a tub of hot water, rub olive oil on his head, and shove garlic down his throat until he said he felt fine.

Happy 2010 to all! And don't forget to eat your garlic and olive oil.