The WBC goes on in Tokyo and starts elsewhere today. Korea trounced Chinese Taipei 9-0, then was smacked around by Japan, which suddenly found its bats, to the tune of 14-2. In between, China eliminated Chinese Taipei. Korea now takes on China. Its two wins mean that Japan advances to round two. I again saw bits and pieces of all of these games. As soon as color guy Orestes Destrade starts calling the Japanese players 'san', though, I've got to bail.
Again, what a treat last night to listen to Franzke and Andersen doing the game between the Phillies and Blue Jays. Chan Ho Park, who passed on pitching in the WBC to try to win a spot in the rotation, pitched well. Larry Andersen was again in full season form, grousing about the umpires. A Jays' fan within sound of the mike concurred with him. Franzke and Andersen have an enjoyably lighthearted rapport.
Off to the opera this afternoon, which means I'll miss the opening game between Canada and the US, the games in Puerto Rico, and another radio broadcast from Florida.