At Port Authority, these visitors took picture after picture, posing with George Segal's sculptures of stolid commuters. This permanent installation is in the South Annex of the terminal.

I was about 20 minutes early to meet a friend from Budapest at Macy's at 2 so went into the Herald Square pocket park for a close-up view of this beautiful monument depicting Minerva with bell-ringers, by Antonin Jean Carles. It's a tribute to James Gordon Bennett and his son, of the same name. Father founded the
Herald Tribune in 1841 and son made it into one of the best newspapers around. It later survived as the wonderful
International Herald Tribune, long one of my fave papers.

Despite the brutal cold and slicing wind in Pennsylvania and New York yesterday, the park was sheltered from the wind and almost warm in the sun. Some of Tesla's friends gathered at my feet for a hand-out and let me catch this street design. See the tail feathers at top right.

Outside the entrance of the park the intersection of 34th and Broadway looked oddly tranquil as people and vehicles came and went.

Just before two I headed across the street to Macy's Broadway entrance to meet Aniko, a stalwart in my Hungarian adventures, who is visiting a daughter in New York. I had last seen her a year ago December in Budapest. She had to do some shopping for her other daughter, at home in Hungary, and so we ate lunch in Macy's cellar, then she went off to shop and I to return to Pennsylvania. It was a short visit but worth it. A day after a miraculous rescue in the Hudson River, there was still wonder in Manhattan.