Yesterday afternoon I went to see Happy-Go-Lucky, an offbeat (and not entirely successful) little British flick about happiness as a life choice. Last night I watched Game 5 (parts 1 and 2) of the World Series on Comcast. This afternoon I went to see Milk, a riveting film with excellent acting. Sean Penn is outstanding in the role of Harvey Milk. Just now I've been watching Game 1 of the 2008 WS on the MLB network. My eyes are about to fall out of my skull. Tomorrow it's time to get to work.
Two players in the postseason replays stick out: Chase Utley and Cole Hamels. Despite having a hip injury that required postseason surgery, Utley steadfastly refused to discuss even the possibility that he was hurt while continuing to play sparkling defense and running the bases with abandon. As for Hamels, he was like one born to the big moment. No matter what the circumstances, he was always cool and always in control.