A wreath of Brandywine critters on the theme of Alice in Wonderland was hanging at the entrance to the gallery with the Alice in Pictureland show.
The Brandywine River as seen from the second floor of the museum, with tree lights faintly reflected in the windows.
I took my mother today to the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford to see the many Christmas trees decorated with "Brandywine critters", made each year by museum volunteers of local natural materials. The trees were as wonderful as ever, but the museum was so busy that it was hard to see the several exhibits now on. Two, however, stand out: Alice in Pictureland, a show of illustrations for Alice In Wonderland, starting of course with ones by John Tenniel, and Dolls at Christmas from the Ann Wyeth McCoy Collection. The latter was magical, as the standing dolls, from the 19th-century and wearing period costume, were set in seasonal tableaux. The room with the always-popular model train display was too packed for more than a peek. Maybe I will make it back before 1/10, when the Christmas displays end.
Two Brandywine critters--a bear ballerina and red-nosed reindeer--are on the tree in the post below.