The thunderstorm started here shortly before last night's game in Washington went into a rain delay, in the top of the 6th with the bases loaded and Ryan Howard at the plate. Ninety minutes later the game was called, giving the Phillies a 7-5 win in a game mercifully shortened by rain after two long days of baseball.
In the third, Ryan Howard planted--absolutely planted--a two-run homer in the grassy slope beyond the center field wall to put the Phillies up 3-1. Raul Ibanez added three more with his third home run of the day. Is this guy for real? He now leads the Phillies in all offensive categories. And that's saying a lot.
Call-up Andrew Carpenter did not make it through the 5th but did, for what it's worth, outpitch Nats' struggling starter Daniel Cabrera. Veteran Ron Villone took over in the 6th for D.C. and brought the game almost to a halt. Thank the heavens for rain!
In an interesting move, lefty reliever Sergio Escalona was called up from Reading after the game. Carpenter was sent down to Lehigh Valley.