Painted by members of the Southern Lehigh baseball team, these two piggy banks sit on the counter of my local natural foods store. The banks are part of an effort to raise money for Adopt-a-Pig, a cancer charity, on behalf of Dave Ortwein, catcher with the Solehi Spartans. Ortwein, who is fighting Hodgkins' lymphoma, this week underwent a stem-cell transplant. Last week his teammates and fellow students put on a Light up Limeport night at historic Limeport Stadium, home to the Solehi team, to benefit Ortwein and two cancer charities. The folks who run the natural foods store attended; their younger son, now in college, used to play for Southern Lehigh. It was, they said, an awesome night and showed that baseball is more than just a game. We're with you, Dave! Go, piggies!