Jason Donald, a prospect at triple A who is destined either to be a supersub or a star depending on who is talking, has started playing third base. After making an error on the first ball hit to him, he seems to be settling in a bit. While working on his fielding skills at third, he needs his hitting, which has been streaky, to come around.
So far it's been a treat to watch Donald on a regular basis. He very much fits into the 'gamer' mold that typifies the current Phillies, a guy with talent plus the willingness to do whatever it takes to win. A couple of days ago, called upon to bunt, Donald was visibly upset when he couldn't get it done. The next day, we learned, Donald went out on his own to take bunting practice.
Two great things about having a minor league park in the region: seeing live baseball on a 'daily' basis and watching prospects play--your own or the ones coming to town. Last year the IronPigs stunk and were pretty much devoid of prospects. This year the team is flirting with mediocrity and we've got Jason Donald, Carlos Carrasco, Lou Marson, and John Mayberry to watch. And of course Kyle Kendrick, trying to get his act together for a return to the bigs.
Until Carlos Carrasco was moved to Lehigh Valley late last season, Jason Jaramillo was the only prospect of note but his star was fading. Traded to Pittsburgh in the offseason, he made the Pirates' squad as back-up catcher. Last I heard, owing to the injury to the starting catcher Doumit, Jaramillo is starting everyday. Good luck, Jason.