I'm getting tired of reading dumb things about Carlos Carrasco by people who have never watched him pitch. Yes, he's got a high ERA and no wins this season in Triple-A but he has more times than not been given no run support and/or been sandbagged by plays botched or not made behind him. I'm also tired of reading that he is a 'head case'. If young and immature means 'head case', then take a look around the world, folks. I've seen or heard almost all of Carrasco's starts this year and he is much better than his record.
Ruben Amaro Jr. says that the short term replacement for Brett Myers will come from Triple-A. I hope it's Carrasco. I have the feeling that, much as he did last year when called up to the IronPigs, he would shine. And this time he would have the defense and offense to back him up.
The blogosphere is suddenly hot for Antonio Bastardo, who has had all of two starts in the Lehigh Valley. He's also a lefty and I wonder about having four lefties in the rotation. Kyle Kendrick is still working on things and Drew Carpenter has far to go. If you're listening, Ruben, my vote's for Car-Car.