Despite the long delay and ridiculous starting time, Citizens Bank Park was electric, starting with Jamie Moyer's first pitch. When it became clear that home plate ump Fieldin Culbreth had a pitcher's strike zone, which held for both Moyer and Tampa starter Matt Garza, the fans got even more revved. Cheers for Moyer and jeers for Garza. But the brunt of fan attention went to rookie phenom Evan Longoria. Each time he came to bat, the stands were rocked with full-throated chants of "Eva, Eva, Eva." Longoria must face that each time he plays on the road but poor kid. Still, it was very funny.
What impressed me: The out-of-town scoreboard was completely dark. In other play-off games, a dwindling number of games had been on the board. But last night there was nothing else. And, as in other play-off games but more so, everyone stays in his/her seat. That jostling murmur of the ballpark between innings is muted. Every time I looked around it was nothing but seats filled with people and aisles empty of all but vendors. It was remarkable. And given the time, we seemed to be in a bowl where this magical game was being played out just for those on the field and for those in the stands.
The game took three hours and 41 minutes to play. It ended about 1:47 a.m. At that point at least 90 percent of those present, some 45,900, were still in their seats. I left mine at the end of the 8th inning to take some photos during the 9th. I walked around to the 1st base side and got nothing but the backs of people standing and hanging on every pitch, every play. Photos seemed pretty superfluous. The moment was what counted.
I'm very glad that on Saturday morning I realized my tix were for game 3 not 5!