We've learned a lot about Matt Stairs since Monday night. A native of New Brunswick, Canada, he now lives in Bangor, Maine, where he coaches hockey, his first love, but a knee injury ended his hockey dreams. He still says he'd trade his baseball career to play one game with the Montreal Canadiens but is preparing himself meanwhile to coach or manage baseball, which is now in his blood. His unabashed goal as a hitter has always been to hit the ball out of the park, as far as he can. As the burly masher quipped on Monday night, "I'm not likely to hit a single and steal second." His wife and two daughters are along for the trip to LA. He says, too, that he has not seen a TV clip or a newspaper story about his dramatic home run. That kind of thing doesn't interest him, he doesn't live in the past.
I'm sticking to Shane Victorino's blog. One comment on his latest entry cracked me up. A self-described "senior citizen" and lifelong Phillies fan wrote that after Monday's game she had decided to trade her husband in for Victorino. Another fan wrote, "You're adorable no matter what."
Tickets for tonight's game in LA are said to be selling this morning on Stubhub for $10. Shocking.