It was a dozing kind of evening at the ballpark, then a suddenly brilliant sunset lit up the billboards in the outfield.

Despite the autumnal overcast, it was muggy at yesterday's doubleheader. A flurry of runs (two) in the third woke me up.
The IronPigs played two and took two yesterday, sweeping a doubleheader from the visiting Buffalo Bisons. Joe Savery started the first game and fumbled his way through the first two innings, demonstrating once again an aversion to throwing strikes. Given a 3-1 lead, though, he settled in and pitched efficiently and effectively for the rest of the game. The 'Pigs won 4-1.
Rodrigo Lopez started the second game and pretty much cruised to a 7-2 win. Unless traded, Savery will be back next year; Lopez, however, is no doubt gone. Good to see him go out on a high note.
Lots of Mets fans were on hand to track the Bisons, their Triple-A affiliate. When the Phillies-Astros update was given late in the game, the Mets fans cheered loudly. Whatever is going on with Cliff Lee? Here I had him at god status and he is proving to be yet another mortal. More to the point, what is going on with the offense, in a slump since the July series in Arizona?