Yesterday I happened to see 10 minutes of Batting Practice Live, a new, at least to me, program on MLBN at 5:30 p.m., which takes viewers to live batting practices going on around the majors. It was fantastic. I've sometimes been at the 'Zen early enough to catch batting practice but it's always from the outfield--except during the play-offs. Fans otherwise aren't allowed into the rest of the park until practice is over. MLBN, however, takes you right up to the cages and gives an upclose view of what is going on at parks all around the country. I loved it, but then I happen to be a fan of getting to the park early and seeing all the pregame routines by the grounds crew, etc.
Later, I caught this snippet from Tom Verducci, again on MLBN: Only 12 teams in baseball currently have about .500 records. Weird stuff.
If Major League Baseball, FOX, and ESPN haven't noticed, Phillies' home games are good for promoting their product. The park is one of the few in baseball that is always full and rocking. Oh, those vast expanses of empty seats in so many places elsewhere.