Even for a meaningless exhibition game with the Rays, it was wonderful again to be in the ballpark. I thought about not going to the game but am so glad that I did. It was Pat Burrell Recognition Night and all fans---an impressive 39,800---got a small poster of Burrell. There was also a pregame video tribute, which drew a standing ovation for the former Phil. He got another each time he came to bat. It was a tad much.
Of note otherwise: Joe Blanton got the start and pitched well, though he did not look all that slimmed down. Ryan Howard, on the other hand, looked positively boyish; he's lost his chubby cheeks. It was decidedly odd to see the Rays again. Hot prospect Jason Donald had the winning RBI single in the bottom of the 9th. And a guy in a Villanova t-shirt got lots of cheers each time he appeared on the big screen.
Best of all, it was simply wonderful, simply marvelous to be back in the ballpark.