Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Driving back from the park last night I listened to the rain delay broadcast on the radio. A man also driving on the Schuylkill called up with a question about Raul Ibanez, on behalf of his 10-year-old son. The guy's son wanted to know why Ibanez was getting booed each time he came to the plate or did in the field or on the bases. The guy couldn't tell him, hence the phone call in the rain. I had to laugh and so did broadcaster Scott Franzke, who explained that fans weren't booing him, they were Rauling him, in effect making his name pretty much an elongated 'u'. It's funny but it's true.

Lou(uuuu) Marson, the rookie catcher now backing up for the injured Carlos Ruiz, gets something of the same treatment. So for that matter does Ruuuuuiz. Same for Lou(uuuu) Williams of the Sixers and Claude Girou(uuu)x of the Flyers. The other night at an IronPigs game, I noticed when back-up catcher Paul Hoover, now playing daily because Marson is in Philadelphia, came to bat that he had become Hooooov to the crowd.

Something there is about that 'ooh' sound. Maybe that's why the boo is so popular.