It was gorgeous but windy and frigid yesterday for another sold-out game at the ballpark. The reason for the crowd: Ring Day. An emotional Pat Gillick was the first to get a ring; he was actually sobbing. Jamie Moyer too was tearful. Pat Burrell flew in from Boston, where his (now) Rays are playing the Sox, to receive a thunderous ovation, the biggest of the day. I had to roll my eyes at that. (Was I the only one?) Adam Eaton, up from Baltimore, predictably got a lot of boos. Sigh. I had to admire Eaton for having the onions to show up and to salute the crowd. The Phillies cleverly introduced folk hero Matt Stairs almost on Eaton's heels and turned the boos to rousing cheers.
My mother had insisted on attending this game for the ceremony. She wondered what the Braves would do while it was going on. I pointed out that they were hanging on the dugout fence throughout it all.