What can I say about the Phillies' 8-7 win over the Mets in 13? Jimmy Rollins was 5 for 5 in his first five at bats and needed only a double this time for the cycle. (Last night it was a homer.) Clay Condrey, on in early relief for Jamie Moyer, most improbably doubled to set the 5th-inning comeback in motion. For one inning Carlos Ruiz moved from catcher to third! With two outs, Eric Bruntlett got the pinch-hit double that tied the game in the 9th. Cole Hamels pinchhit. So did Brett Myers. The Phillies stole 6 bases and had 19 hits. The bullpen threw nine scoreless. Catcher Chris Coste came into the game in the 8th and still went 4 for 4. Then with tonight's starter Kyle Kendrick warming in the bullpen, Victorino led the 13th off with a triple, and Coste finally singled up the gap to bring Vic trotting home. This was all after the Phillies were down 7-0 in the 4th to Pedro and stalwart Jamie Moyer had been chased from the game after three. Some kind of exciting game!
I got home from the 'dismal Pigs game in the bottom of the 9th. As we left the park the Phillies were trailing 7-6 in the 8th. The many Mets fans in my section had been carrying on in headache-making voices over the three rows of seats early in the game: up 2-0, up 5-0, up 7-0, yaddyaddyadda. When they got quiet, I figured something was brewing and sure enough in the 5th it was suddenly 7-5. Was Pedro still in, someone asked. Yes, was the reply. But for me it was time to give a cheer for the Mets' deplorable bullpen. All that got was a dead fish stare from the Mets' fans. That's one of the problems with Mets' fans. They talk trash bigtime when their team's winning but have nothing when they're not.