The low was at the ballpark, where the IronPigs gave their most dismal performance of the year, a 10-0 loss to the Rochester Red Wings. The Red Wings's batted around starter J.D. Durbin, who gave up 5 runs and recorded just one out. He left the field to a chorus of boos and went straight to the locker room. Poor guy, especially because he had people in the crowd. I came into the park behind a car with Georgia plates and heard the woman driving tell the guy at the gate that she was a guest of Durbin's. I for one will not forget the two excellent starts J.D. gave the Phillies last year, first in L.A., then in San Diego, on a critical road trip.
Shane Victorino, finishing his rehab in the Lehigh Valley, provided the only reason for the crowd to cheer, with the first of only two hits the 'Pigs mustered and a great running play on a ball that seemed destined to be a triple. Best of all, Vic appeared to be running well. It was again blanket weather at the park. On the way home I listened to the last three innings of the Phillies' 8-4 win in Pittsburgh.