eager crowds line Montgomery Street

Bochy rides by with the World Series trophy

Posey enjoys the view from the cable car bus

Uribe reacting to the Oooo-ree-bay! chants from the crowd

too bad ticker tapes don't exist any more. A sprinkling of torn memos gave the feeling of Christmas

Timmy Lincecum was the most exuberant, waving and smiling and making the car stop every few paces
It was a good decision to take in the Giants' victory parade from Montgomery Street. Civic Center Plaza was absolutely packed and I figured there was no way I could get any vantage point. The crowds were thick on Montgomery too, but I still managed to find a crack amongst the bobbing heads to take some pictures. The parade replicated the 1958 route the Giants took when they first moved to San Francisco, going from Washington and Montgomery down to Market Street, then on Market to Civic Center. Montgomery is the heart of the financial district, but times have changed. Most of the big banks have moved away, gone broke or acquired, and brokerage firms no longer use ticker tapes. Ecology measures mean no paper-tossing. Still, someone managed to sprinkle some pixie dust on the parade, which made me very happy. The players looked a bit stunned, probably from lack of sleep. Only Timmy had the energy to wave and smile and interact with the crowd.
I ran home and watched the speeches on TV. The government dignitaries and baseball brass did their tedious thing. The Governator suggested that Brian Wilson replace Gavin Newsom as SF Mayor (Newsom was just elected Lieutenant Governor and his job is vacant). I enjoyed the Spanish radio announcers and their impromptu call up for Andres Torres, Uribe and Renteria. Boy Torres has a very sexy voice - especially in Spanish. Had to laugh at the ending - Huff pulling his rally thong out from his crotch in front of the huge crowd.
Withdrawal pains have started. I guess I can console myself by replaying Ashkon's version of "Don't Stop Believing" YouTube video until spring training.
And hooray for California! It stays a blue State!!!! Congrats Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer and Gavin Newsom! And it looks like Kamala Harris will pull it off too.