The three hotties in front of me last night were totally into the game and into being on the big screen whenever the guy operating the camera was in the vicinity. So was the jumping little girl in front of them, who was all decked out for Irish Heritage Night at Coca-Cola Park. A contingent of Chinese men, all wearing IronPigs caps, was several rows down in the next section. Every time the three hotties started dancing, the men had their cameras out and ready. They too got really into the game, clapping, cheering, standing and waving. It was a funny, funny night at the park. Sad to think that after tonight there are only six home games left in the season.
Vance Worley pitched well enough to keep his team in it but did not figure in the loss, which went to Scott Mathieson, who blew a hold in the 9th. The Phillies recently hired Hall of Fame pitcher Bruce Sutter to work with Mathieson. I don't know if last night's blown game reflected work done or work just begun.