Yesterday's Philadelphia Daily News had an article by Nicole Kraft about former Phillie reliever Dan Plesac, now an entertaining and very sharp analyst on MLBN. Plesac also raises and trains standardbreds at his wonderfully-named Three Up Three Down Farm in Indiana. This past June, Plesac learned that Captain Zoom, a horse he had bought in 1999, then sold a year later, was still alive but in bad shape and most likely destined for the slaughterhouse. The reliever made a speedy save, purchasing Captain Zoom for $175, nursing him back to health, and giving him a home at his farm.
It's a heartwarming story thanks to the efforts of several people and organizations, including Another Chance 4 Horses rescue group and the United States Trotting Association. And of course Dan Plesac. Though he only pitched for the Phillies at the end of his career, I was sad when he retired, after the 2003 season. I always thought he was a good guy; watching him on MLBN this year has only confirmed that impression. His rescue of Captain Zoom makes me even more of a fan.