Other fave headlines this series: "It's LAja Vu All Over Again", "Managers: One is a pick-up, one a limo", and "Flawless Lee Leads the Way", all from the Inky. From the Daily News: "WOW-UUUUUUUUL!", "Bats More Like It", "Zero Hero", and "Rockin' Roll".
Joe Torre, looking bleary-eyed after last night's loss, called it "one of those things."
At yesterday's manager's press conference, someone asked Charlie Manuel about his "stagnant" line-up. Joe Torre had changed his up from game to game, but not Charlie. Manuel took tart exception to the word "stagnant", concluding his comments with, "Stagnant? Ask Kuroda about our stagnant line-up."
The Phillies led the National League in comeback wins this season and were second only to the Yankees in all of baseball. Third? The Dodgers. Last night's comeback was the best of the best, though Angel fans might beg to differ. Two terrific games yesterday, both ending in comeback wins.