Last night was definitely a hangover kind of game. Utley and Victorino were out; Bruntlett and Francisco took their places. Ben Francisco, who went 3 for 3 with a walk, was just about all the offense there was against another barely pedestrian Astros' starter. Like Pedro the night before, Cliff Lee did not inspire in his tune-up outing. The Phillies staged a small uprising in the ninth but fell 5-3. It was another sell-out but there were few chances to wave the towels. Instead, it was the murmur of the ballpark all night long.
More bad news about the bullpen: J.C. Romero is off to see another doctor and may be done for the postseason. Chan Ho Park left a simulated game in Florida early and is headed for Philadelphia and a visit with the team doctor. Getting down to baling wire and chewing gum.