The third time that the D'backs took the lead in last night's game, in the 7th, I was sure it was over. But in the 8th Victorino reached 1st on a strike-out/passed ball. A nasty collision with Snakes' 1st baseman Conor Jackson sent them both to the ground. Victorino was clotheslined, but the much bigger Jackson was the one to leave the game. Vic then stole second on the next pitch thrown and later tied the game on a Bruntlett double. Bruntlett came round for the 5-4 lead on an Utley single. Tom Gordon came on in the bottom of the 8th, gave up a double, then got the next three guys. Brad Lidge closed it against the heart of the D'back line-up. He was again 1-2-3 filthy awesome. Much too late for me but the postgame interview with Tom Gordon was worth it all. The guy is on a mission.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
late in the desert
The third time that the D'backs took the lead in last night's game, in the 7th, I was sure it was over. But in the 8th Victorino reached 1st on a strike-out/passed ball. A nasty collision with Snakes' 1st baseman Conor Jackson sent them both to the ground. Victorino was clotheslined, but the much bigger Jackson was the one to leave the game. Vic then stole second on the next pitch thrown and later tied the game on a Bruntlett double. Bruntlett came round for the 5-4 lead on an Utley single. Tom Gordon came on in the bottom of the 8th, gave up a double, then got the next three guys. Brad Lidge closed it against the heart of the D'back line-up. He was again 1-2-3 filthy awesome. Much too late for me but the postgame interview with Tom Gordon was worth it all. The guy is on a mission.