Saturday, November 8, 2008

little moreton hall

Friend Carolyn B. sent this image of the 15th-century Little Moreton Hall in Cheshire, taken by her husband Takashi F. It brought back memories of visits to Sissinghurst and Hidcote, all thanks to Carolyn. Oh, to be in England.

I'd often heard of the blog Fire Joe Morgan, dedicated to analyzing bad sports broadcasting and journalism. Lots of fertile ground there! I checked out the site yesterday for the first time and it is hysterical. I almost fell off my chair laughing over the back-and-forth on a Stark-Caple exchange on why the Phillies/Rays would win the series. Lots of good points couched in LOL terms.

The lead piece, however, was a rumor that Joe Morgan may be ousted from his Sunday ESPN gig and shuffled off to Wednesday nights. It didn't however report that Morgan's replacement may be Rick Sutcliffe. Hard as it is to listen to Joe Morgan, Rick Sutcliffe is far worse.

Check it out at